An embedded system is a target base computer system designed to super performance one or a few dedicated tasks rather than be local desktop Computers for multiple tasks. It is normally embedded as part of a device.
mbedded Systems are engineered with the maximum excellence components and peripherals, counting designed and owned industrial long life embedded boards, to offer customers with a ready-to-go, tested solution that is rugged, trustworthy and reliable. Industrial Computer is one other name of Embedded Systems.
Embedded systems have made a main part for the all types industry. They have control approximately all of the communication, computing, display and any other electronic device that we can think of. Embedded systems span across all aspects of modern life whether it be education, entertainment, communication or science. Embedded systems are devoted to exact tasks, so embedded design engineers need to optimize it, sinking the cost and size of the embed systems, and increasing the dependability, performance and quality.